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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Aiming at highly accurate object detection for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), this paper presents a Deep Neural Network based 3D object detection model that leverages a three-stage feature extractor by developing a novel LIDAR-Camera fusion scheme. The proposed feature extractor extracts high-level features from two input sensory modalities and recovers the important features discarded during the convolutional process. The novel fusion scheme effectively fuses features across sensory modalities and convolutional layers to find the best representative global features. The fused features are shared by a two-stage network: the region proposal network (RPN) and the detection head (DH). The RPN generates high-recall proposals, and the DH produces final detection results. The experimental results show the proposed model outperforms more recent research on the KITTI 2D and 3D detection benchmark, particularly for distant and highly occluded instances.
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With the wide-spread application of machine learning models, it has become critical to study the potential data leakage of models trained on sensitive data. Recently, various membership inference (MI) attacks are proposed that determines if a sample was part of the training set or not. Although the first generation of MI attacks has been proven to be ineffective in practice, a few recent studies proposed practical MI attacks that achieve reasonable true positive rate at low false positive rate. The question is whether these attacks can be reliably used in practice. We showcase a practical application of membership inference attacks where it is used by an auditor (investigator) to prove to a judge/jury that an auditee unlawfully used sensitive data during training. Then, we show that the auditee can provide a dataset (with potentially unlimited number of samples) to a judge where MI attacks catastrophically fail. Hence, the auditee challenges the credibility of the auditor and can get the case dismissed. More importantly, we show that the auditee does not need to know anything about the MI attack neither a query access to it. In other words, all currently SOTA MI attacks in literature suffer from the same issue. Through comprehensive experimental evaluation, we show that our algorithms can increase the false positive rate from ten to thousands times larger than what auditor claim to the judge. Lastly, we argue that the implication of our algorithms is beyond discredibility: Current membership inference attacks can identify the memorized subpopulations, but they cannot reliably identify which exact sample in the subpopulation was used during training.
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从积极和未标记的(PU)数据中学习是一种设置,学习者只能访问正面和未标记的样本,而没有关于负面示例的信息。这种PU环境在各种任务中非常重要,例如医学诊断,社交网络分析,金融市场分析和知识基础完成,这些任务也往往本质上是不平衡的,即大多数示例实际上是负面的。但是,大多数现有的PU学习方法仅考虑人工平衡的数据集,目前尚不清楚它们在不平衡和长尾数据分布的现实情况下的表现如何。本文提议通过强大而有效的自我监督预处理来应对这一挑战。但是,培训传统的自我监督学习方法使用高度不平衡的PU分布需要更好的重新重新制定。在本文中,我们提出\ textit {Impulses},这是\ usewanced {im}平衡\下划线{p} osive \ unesive \ usepline {u} nlabeLed \ underline {l}的统一表示的学习框架{p}。 \下划线{s}削弱了debiase预训练。 Impulses使用大规模无监督学习的通用组合以及对比度损失和额外重新持续的PU损失的一般组合。我们在多个数据集上进行了不同的实验,以表明Impuls能够使先前最新的错误率减半,即使与先前给出的真实先验的方法相比。此外,即使在无关的数据集上进行了预处理,我们的方法也表现出对事先错误指定和卓越性能的鲁棒性。我们预计,这种稳健性和效率将使从业者更容易在其他感兴趣的PU数据集上获得出色的结果。源代码可在\ url {https://github.com/jschweisthal/impulses}中获得
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激活功能可以对降低输入数据的拓扑复杂性产生重大影响,从而提高模型的性能。选择合适的激活函数是神经模型设计中的重要步骤。但是,在基于变压器的语言模型中很少讨论或探索激活功能的选择。事先选择它们的激活功能,然后从预训练中固定到微调。结果,在这个漫长的生命周期中,无法调整它们对模型的电感偏见。此外,随后开发的模型(例如Roberta,Bart和GPT-3)经常跟进先前的工作(例如BERT),以使用相同的激活函数而无需合理。在本文中,我们研究了变压器体系结构中使用理性激活函数(RAF)(RAF)的有效性。与常规,预定义的激活功能相反,RAF可以根据输入数据自适应地学习最佳激活功能。我们的实验表明,基于RAF的变压器(RAFT)比具有GELU函数的香草BERT的验证性更低。我们进一步评估了低和全数据设置中下游任务的筏。我们的结果表明,筏在大多数任务和设置上都优于对应模型。例如,在低数据表情况下(有100个训练示例),木筏在胶水基准上的表现平均高出5.71点,在全数据设置的小队中,平均得分为2.05分。对学到的RAF的形状的分析进一步揭示了它们在预训练模型的不同层之间有很大的变化,并且看起来与常规激活函数大多不同。 RAFT为根据学习的激活功能打开了一个新的研究方向,用于分析和解释预训练的模型。
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我们提出了一种基于机器学习的新型方法,用于从干涉数据中检测出星系尺度的重力透镜,特别是使用国际Lofar望远镜(ILT)采用的方法,该镜头是在150 MHz的频率上观察到北部无线电天空,该频率是350的角度分辨率。 MAS和90 Ujy Beam-1(1 Sigma)的灵敏度。我们开发并测试了几个卷积神经网络,以确定给定样品被归类为镜头或非镜头事件的概率和不确定性。通过对包括逼真的镜头和非镜头无线电源的模拟干涉成像数据集进行训练和测试,我们发现可以恢复95.3%的镜头样品(真正的正速率),仅污染仅为0.008来自非静态样品(假阳性速率)的含量。考虑到预期的镜头概率,结果导致了92.2%的镜头事件的样品纯度。我们发现,当镜头图像之间的最大图像分离大于合成光束尺寸的3倍时,网络结构是最健壮的,并且镜头图像具有至少与20个Sigma(点源)的总磁通密度相等)检测。对于ILT,这对应于爱因斯坦半径大于0.5 ARCSEC和一个无线电源群体的镜头样品,其150 MHz通量密度超过2 MJY。通过应用这些标准和我们的镜头检测算法,我们希望发现Lofar两米天空调查中包含的绝大多数星系尺度重力透镜系统。
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